How did we ever reach each other by phone?

In 2025 I'm starting to realize how removed I am from the past because I'm starting to question how we ever managed to connect with each other using landline phones. Has society changed to the point where we're out and away from home more often? Was our culture of the 70's and 80's in such a way where everyone just happened to be home around the same time every day?

I ask this because I was in another sub talking about a new car deal that fell through. That happened to me when I was in my 20's. I drove the car off the lot on a Saturday and that following Monday they told me that I had to bring the car back. Fine. No problem. But looking back on that situation, HOW IN THE WORLD did they manage to call me at the right time? I spent a A LOT of time behind the wheel and it seems like it would have taken them at least a week to catch up with me being that not many people had cell phones back then.