Parents are making me go to church…

My parents are making me go to church today, even though I have so much work today. They went to some church event 2 weeks ago and after that they got back in their religious modes and now I can’t hold them off anymore, and I must go to church. They are technically in violation of my first amendment rights but they don’t know I don’t believe anymore. I’ve been an atheist/agnostic since I was 9 (before you think “wow, this guy’s mature to be thinking about this at 9”, half the reason was bc I didn’t like going to church and wanted to watch TV) and became more agnostic once I learned I was gay and what Christian’s did to people like us and are still doing 😕. While my parents are/will be supporting once I tell them I’m gay, as will a majority of my church community, I just can’t stand with Christianity. Aside from the Jesus freaks online who say that I’m wicked and will burn in hell or threaten to kill me and therefore send me to hell, I don’t want to associate myself with a belief soaked in the blood of not only gays, but literally anyone else who doesn’t agree with their fairy tales. And the religion still actively spreads homophobia.

In truth, I feel bad about having these anti-Christian thoughts. In the back of my mind, I’ve always been condescending towards Christian’s that I know, even to my own Christian family. I’m sorry for such a long rant, but can someone please tell me, how do you get by with Christians? And I’m sorry if I upset any gay Christians here, but these are my thoughts, feelings, and experiences. And before anyone asks, my family is Greek Orthodox Christian, and we’re Americans as you probably got from the 1st amendment thing earlier. Not sure how homophobic orthodox Christians can be in the US, but I know they’re the most homophobic ones in general, especially in Europe.

Edit: Church was…well… My parents want me to do some Christian writing competition that goes on my record if I win, which is infuriating because a-I don’t care, and b-that’s not who I am, and c-I’m probably the smartest person in my Sunday school so it’s likely I’ll win, and d-the only interesting topic is only for grades 10-12, so I’m not even doing anything good at all

Also the priest said something antisemitic, something along the lines of people in synagogues being heretics and hypocrites, and right after he apologized and said that he loved everyone. No love like Christian hate…