Gang Beasts Hidden Lore

Gang Beasts is a game about little meat people fighting eachother, its a simple game, the goal is to throw the other person into the traps on the stages or off the stages, but what if I told you that all of the stages are connected. Connected by what you ask? Offal Company, on the map Roof, you can see a sign for a company called Offal, what else do we see? Billboards advertising beef, now this might just be a regular advertisement but I think its much more. Head to the Grinders map, there is a suspicious pink goo that seems to be bubbling on this map, much like the name implies there are many grinders in this map, where do they lead? Who knows, but I'm guessing all of the players that get thrown into those grinders turn into the goo. Now how would I know that this goo is made out of dead player characters? Well I don't but if you look at the production of something from McDonalds, you can see them make pink goo and turn it into chicken nuggets. Now, once the pink goo is sucked into the pipes (Which are perfect size for the player character by the way), I believe they are then formed into tubes or sausages if you will on the Chutes map, it would make sense, you see the same pipes, same pink color, now heres were the theory gets into the real speculation. There is a Vents map, which has massive blades that suck the player character down, what if this is where the chutes lead? Right into a fan in order to cut the large sausages into pieces. Then we head to the Trains, Trucks and Containers map, this is where all of that meat starts to get shipped to various places. Now here is a call back to the earlier part of this theory, the Billboards map, it takes place a long the same route as the Trucks map, and you can even see that same advertisement that was on the Offal building (Roof map). Now thats all for the Offal Company stuff from what I've seen, besides regular vending machines in most of the maps. But I've also noticed something else. On one of the maps (I believe its the blimp map) You can see several massive nuclear silos, one of those silos is even a map (Towers map), now the buildings in Beef City (The city in which Gang Beasts takes place, if you look at the man hole cover in the soccer game mode you can see it say "BC Sewer" or Beef City Sewers, as well as several posters, one advertising Meat Flakes and a Wanted poster) Have an interesting thing happen to them overtime. They start to degrade awfully fast, I believe this is chalked up to those same nuclear silos, they are extremely close to the city and not to mention on the Towers map, some of the nuclear silos can even be seen degrading, like the main staircase. Now I believe that Offal Company is selling the dead player characters as delectable meat for all the citizens of Beef City, which is evil enough, but added the fact that nuclear silos are nearby I think something is up, maybe there is more to this fun little game then meets the eye.