Wish I rushed more frats
TL;DR Rushing one frat is dumb and recruitment chairs will lie to get you to sign a bid. You can always get re-bid, you can never get un-initiated
I hate feeling this way. I know I shouldn't, but I do.
I never thought I was going to join a fraternity. I didn't even know how rushing or pledging or anything worked. My roomie dragged me to SigEp's rush week, and it turned me on to Greek life. They made it seem though like I had to come to all the events to get a bid, not true. Removing the rose colored glasses, I just liked the fraternity structure and not the actual brotherhood.
The recruit chair lied about socials and parties, cause we throw none ever. They told me that "pledgeship = hazing" to scare me off from other chapters. Pressured us to sign our bids asap.
After a semester, I'm feeling strange about it. I've got like 5 brothers I'm close with, but the rest are kinda ... dweeby? Most of my rush class are soft-ass bums who wouldn't have made it through a week of pledgeship. In fact, most of the frat wouldn't have. Very, very soft frat that hardly does anything fun. It's like a big endless circlejerk of "were so different cause we don't have x issue other houses have." Yeah, cause we don't do ANYTHING.
Not having pledgeship is stupid because we recruit rush week tryhards who end up being lazy bums, and guys have 1 week to decide if the chapter is good for them or not. Me and like 3 dudes in my rush class put in 90% of the total class effort.
I regret getting so excited as a dumb lonely little freshman and immediately signing my bid on empty promises. I didn't know what I was giving up.No going back now, grass is always greener, etc. I know.
Maybe my best course of action is to try and befriend other greeks or run for social chair next year, idk.
Automod being stupid so I'm putting a random school that I don't go to: University of Alabama.