Your favourite planet? Both Fallen Order and Survivor.

My favourites are:

1)Zeffo. I loved the "Scandinavian" aesthetic with the icebergs and waterfalls, and I just enjoyed being there-until I got lost and been going in circles for half an hour(honourable mention of the ice caves is in order here). Hated the goaty ponies though.

2)Dathomir. I'm just a fan of the Nightsister and Nightbrother lore, but those acidic lava spiders were a pain. First planet I went to after finishing the game to clear stuff.

3)Kashyyk. Liked the fauna and flora, it was imaginative(like the jumpy green things and those biting shining flowers), but the damn spiders and bantha slugs were insufferable. It is definitely space Vietnam. Poor stormtroopers.

4Bogano How I hate Bogano! When I was there for the first time, I didn't know how to get from the vault back to mantis and for 45 minutes I was running in circles, getting killed by Oggdo until I just googled how to get back, only to find out it is possible in about 3 minutes. Yay.

There are other locations as well, but Bracca and Nur are pretty much just going one way, which in Bracca's case is confusing, and Ilum was nice, though I'm still missing a chest which was bugged I presume, and don't know how to fix it.

Haven't played Survivor yet, but what about you? Which planets are your favourites and why?