Today’s planned DUMP was to get people to think we were getting delisted on the 25th

There was great news over the weekend and no need at all for anyone to start unloading their shares. Everyone from what I was reading was going to buy more and I was one of those people. If you do your DD you know this isn’t happening tomorrow and as far as I know probably not happening at all.

There were tons of comments on my videos, comments here on Reddit saying they sold etc etc which is all a bunch of Rocket Shit! If some people sold you know damn well they’re not here posting it. If you need to sell because you need to sell go right ahead but there’s some of us that don’t care what you’re doing and HODLn regardless what this is doing which is being manipulated 100000%

Hate me all you want I’ll buy even more if it goes back down to 4 cents. NFA