Is unemployment a red flag in ENM dating?

Unless if someone is aiming for cohabitation and marriage, I really don't see why employment status and the financial status that may derive from it should be the be-all-end-all criteria for successful ENM dating. The financial means that derive from employment have a primary, baseline significance to the extent that one has the ability to perform basic lifestyle tasks like affording public transport, condoms and casual dates (i.e. tea, coffee, ice cream, yoghurt etc). The secondary level of significance comes from one's ability to engage in non-monogamy-specific lifestyle activities such as purchasing BDSM gear, sex toys, parties and paying for therapy, counselling and workshops. In my personal experience interacting with non-monogamous folks, the latter doesn't come easy, especially with high costs of living.

I am 29, autistic, a cis het man, unemployed and living with my parents. I have a Bachelors and Masters degrees in music. I am currently exploring the possibilities of becoming employed a librarian or piano tuner and getting off welfare. Dating in my early 20s was possible but did have it's fair share of limitations given that I didn't drive and I couldn't bring partners back to my home for sex. Ethical non-monogamy to me, has consisted entirely of:

  • casual hook ups
  • attending sex parties (where single males could be admitted)
  • seeing sex workers

It will be interesting to see whether employment and moving into another household would be big gamechanger for me or whether it would have a slight, if negligible impact.