Finances aside, is the experience way better when you have your own horse?
I recently got back into riding after 13 years off because my dream is to own a horse and I’m finally financially set enough to handle it. 13 years ago I was a child and I can’t remember how long I did lessons but I never got rid of the itch.
i am asking finances aside because I’m asking about your guys transition from taking lessons, leasing and then owning your own and how riding and your relationship went or how your skills have sharpened. Not the financial burden aspect.
And as for my goals: I have never and probably won’t compete. I would ideally like to arena ride for fun and trail ride. I’d like to ride with future horse friends or go on trails w them. More personally, I’m late 20s. No plans and never want children because I’m selfish with my time and want what I want in life. My partner is supportive of my dream and desire to not have children and he’s supportive of my equestrian journey and desire to have a horse. Work life: self employed from home, I run my own business and can come and go as I please whenever I want.
Now that I’m an adult, I can def ask my trainer more questions and articulate my concerns which I feel like is shaping me way better. The horses I’ve ridden are sweet, and although I just started up again, I can’t stop thinking about how things will be different with my own horse one day.
Do you find that you ride better and have better chemistry with your own versus lesson horses?
Your own tack making a difference in the way you ride?
You’re of course more bonded to your horse and have a closer relationship. I’m trying not to get too ahead of myself. While I do try and bond with the lesson horses I just think my heart could probably open more when I have my own.