[Bug Warning] Guardian sites in Odyssey = completely broken, progression with guardian tech impossible
Many others have reported the same on different sites. Bug post already submitted via the frontier report an issue system. Just posting here so people don't waste time like I have.
System HD 63154 - B 3 A - site with guardian structures, after the orb eating the guardian relic procedure - no reward after scanning it (Used the correct scanner, don't worry). Tried this in various ways at least 5 times - no reward. The worst part is I could've stopped after the 1st time, but I thought I was doing something wrong or just that it needed a relog to register or the servers were having some delay due to the new DLC or something. But nope, it's just outright broken in Odyssey - others reported that switching to horizons works as intended.
The ironic part is that If I did not buy this DLC and did the whole thing on Horizons this would not have happened. Am I supposed to relog onto horizons now and redo it again 6 times? I understand I am complaining a lot in the post, but doesn't this defeat the purpose of buying the DLC anyways...? I was so excited too at one point as one run I ran out of SRV ammo and I could actually charge the pylons with my pistol while on foot. That was awesome!
And look, I know this isn't that long of a grind, and it isn't the end of the world - but it's still a waste of time that I (and any other players who decided to get their guardian shit farmed) have to re-do now. How did this even go past alpha...? (mind you, 2 hotfix patches AFTER the release the bug persists).
Honestly, this is really wrong, considering the Thargoid stuff going on now (and you may want guardian tech for that). Is progression with guardian tech is literally impossible right now unless you switch back to the old client...? Had I known the situation was this dire regarding bugs/glitches, I would not have went ahead with the hype for Odyssey tbh.
Best we can do is expect some kind of holy grail bugfix that would return the rewards accordingly. The more we upvote the issue, the faster it will get "acknowledged" (as if this wasn't supposed to be seen as an issue in the alpha)
Go vote on it here (Don't just add a reply, log in and vote to updoot the issue):https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/32672
Having done this once on Horizons again just to get at least 1 module for my FSD, I also noticed there's far more bugs with planets than anticipated. For example, another bug i've noticed is that planets now don't display certain signals (after surface scanning) on your NAV tab on the left. So yeah.