am I the only one who wasn't completely crushed by this show?

i just finished watching this show, and i thought it was sublime. the environment and storytelling was topnotch, and, like many other people on this sub, i haven't really been able to stop thinking about it since finishing it. seriously such a good story, although i think that the 10 episode length really restricted the show from fully fleshing out the characters, and as a result i didn't really have as much emotional investment placed in them.

the ending was really sad, but it seems like most people here became actually depressed after finishing it 😭😭 i guess it just didn't hit as hard for me. i did get David's death spoiled for me before i started the show, so maybe that's a reason why, but that seemed inevitable anyway after the first few episodes.

am i crazy man i feel like i should be more sad💀idk maybe im just numb from it and ill realize later. might rewatch it again