What happens if your alarm clock doesn't work the day of the exam, or you're so tired you don't hear it and so miss the exam? Do you really get a grade of 1.0 and have no way to prove it wasn't your fault?
This is all hypothetical, I'm not in this situation, but sometimes it really happens that for whatever reason, a student misses an exam, like oversleeping, or alarm clock not working, or mixing two exam dates, or whatever. I mean it can happen. Do you really get a grade of 1.0 in those cases and there is nothing you can do? A grade of 1.0 can definitely destroy your studies because it takes down your average grade by a lot
EDIT: I was just thinking, yes you have two exam attempts, but statistically speaking, over hundreds of students who write a given exam, it's not unlikely that for some, they wrote the exam the first time and failed for whatever reason, and then it happens the second time that they miss the exam due to whatever reason. So in those cases, a grade of 1.0 could be fatal for their studies. I mean STATISTICALLY, over hundreds of students who write a given exam, those things CAN and probably DO happen, right?