My (s)mother is so triggering
Context: last year, was secretly dieting. Reached goal weight and stopped. Had a couple healthy months, then everything flipped. Made a new friend, her name is Ana
My mother is aware of my weight loss, it isn’t that hard to tell when you lose 50+ pounds and she loves to congratulate me. She knows I don’t eat a lot.
I remember asking her to buy me this little chocolate snack and she said in a snarky tone “is that in your diet?” - I never ate it
She loves to comment whenever I eat anything sweet I will “lose my progress”
But today she’s just being annoying. We got dinner and the restaurant cuts the meal in half. I ate the first half rather quickly and planned to eat the second half since I haven’t eaten today and I need fuel for midterms (wish me luck!) But she had to comment “wow look who is actually hungry, you’re chowing down” well now I’m not
Like 20 min later I munched on some grapes becuase I’m fucking starving and the dog was asking her for food and she said “go ask grape girl” 1. Dogs can’t have grapes 2. “Grape girl” does not want to be associated with food, so she’s done now
Like if you know I don’t eat a lot why do you have to ruin it for me. I know she doesn’t know what she’s doing but it feels like she does (Btw these aren’t the only comments she’s ever made, but they were just recent so I’m still annoyed and not over them)