Reactivation for months with fever

Hey everyone, I have been so so sick and would just appreciate any and all thoughts. I had my primary EBV infection in 2019, it was awful. But 3 months ago I started getting fevers, sore throat, and severe fatigue. I was under a lot of stress and recently had cdiff so my gut is way out of whack. But. I’m 3 months in to constant low grade fevers (99.0-99.5), nausea, severe fatigue. The imaging done of my spleen and liver are normal, but I have a lot of spleen pain. My EBV PCR labs keep coming back positive but barely so. Positive below 200 copies. Has anyone had similar experiences? I hate to even say this but is CAEBV something I should be concerned about? Will this improve? I’m starting to lose all hope.