How many items have YOU Checked off of Creed's Bucket List?

I've only done two. And which would you most LIKE to do?

Creed's Bucket List 1. Rob bank 2. Eat a coconut right off the tree 3. Meet Henry Kissinger and tell him what people are really saying about Vietnam 4. Meet Usher 5. Convert Home Videos to DVD 6. Try the lobster at Coopers 7. Hang out with Stanley more 8. Do one thing that scares someone else 9. Perfect cartwheel

I've only done two. And which would you most LIKE to do?

Creed's Bucket List 1. Rob bank 2. Eat a coconut right off the tree 3. Meet Henry Kissinger and tell him what people are really saying about Vietnam 4. Meet Usher 5. Convert Home Videos to DVD 6. Try the lobster at Coopers 7. Hang out with Stanley more 8. Do one thing that scares someone else 9. Perfect cartwheel