
I'm not a bit fan of taking meds. Even when it's just a painkiller or something like that. I prefer my suffering RAW thank you very much... But on my third night at the psych ward, I woke up from a bad dream at 1 in the morning and was just left tossing and turning for over an hour, trapped in the limbo between wake and disordered sleep. The dream's events replaying in my mind. It wasn't a nightmare, it was too real to be that yet it still left me feeling like I'm an irredeemable, Inherently bad person destined to hurt everyone i'd be selfish enough to let near. The pill I got will rake about half an hour to kick In. It's supposed to calm my mind and silence the thoughts so that my body follows.

I'm not a bit fan of taking meds. Even when it's just a painkiller or something like that. I prefer my suffering RAW thank you very much... But on my third night at the psych ward, I woke up from a bad dream at 1 in the morning and was just left tossing and turning for over an hour, trapped in the limbo between wake and disordered sleep. The dream's events replaying in my mind. It wasn't a nightmare, it was too real to be that yet it still left me feeling like I'm an irredeemable, Inherently bad person destined to hurt everyone i'd be selfish enough to let near. The pill I got will rake about half an hour to kick In. It's supposed to calm my mind and silence the thoughts so that my body follows.