Doom Bringers Ultimate should have 3 of its 4 stat decreases as facets to be chosen from.
All the memes aside. doom is an extremelly op spell once u hit 30. It silences-mutes-breaks and blocks any kind of regen.
Silence is a no brainer but tehre are games where i wished to have mute or break for obvious reasons.
How about the current facets are moved to talents as a choice, and he gets 3 facets where he can choose for doom to either mute-break or block regen.
and lvl 25 talents will be the other2 facets that are not chosen. just like how liquid fire-frost breath of jakiro works.
Current innate and facets can be applied easily to doom's kit.
Devil's Bargain : Make it innate.
Lvl? Doom : move it to Doom. Doomed units gets %15 extra damage from doom and units under his command.
Gluttony : Lvl 20 Talent.
ımpending doom i myself did not see any use for it other than picking it and game luckily lasting for 80 mins. maybe add it to scepter? "units die under doom effect increases doom duration by 0.6 sec x their level" etc.
edit : i wrote changed but for some reason my phone autocorrected it to decreases on the title. cant change it now