Cyst sac still inside?
TW BLOOD / NSFW since I think it blurs the pics
F22 Canada. Cyst location is left side of face just under my eye. Sub-Q, hard to the touch
Before I start, trust me when I say I already know how stupid this is. I made the decision to do it and now I gotta deal with the consequences. I’d just like some advice on how to navigate those consequences
I popped a “cyst” (don’t actually know what it was. Doctor shrugged and said I need to see a derm but unfortunately I don’t have that money right now. Her best guess was calcinosis cutis) on my face about a week ago and it went super great. I have some medical knowledge so I did it as clean as possible and it seemed to heal really nicely. I thought it was macerated skin at first and I thought I got the sac initially but after some digging (literally) I’m pretty sure I left it in there. I’ve been sanitizing it, applying polysporin and keeping it covered for the entire week. If I’m gonna do something stupid at least I’m gonna be smart about it
Can anyone confirm if this is the sac? If so, is there a way I can get it out or even dissolve it?
If not it’s a trip to the derm but if I can take care of it myself that would be great
Thanks in advance