Disc shaped, itchy rashes on arms and legs.

Since I (22M) was young I’ve been getting random rashes, but this takes the cake. I’ve been to the doctor who called it psoriasis, prescribed me Cortizone • 10 and sent me on my way. This hasn’t been doing a whole lot for me. They have been on my body for over 6 months now.

They’ll disappear from one place and then appear on another, usually beginning as small bumps/spots before turning into the disc shapes in the photos. They’re incredibly itchy and uncomfortable and sometimes have a yellowish/orange crust formed on them. I currently have about 11/12 of these across my body and it’s killing my self worth. I haven’t worn any short sleeved clothing or shorts for weeks because of these.

Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated. I won’t be able to get an appointment with a dermatologist for at least 4 weeks.