4 man p100 squad, two hooks the whole game

i knew it was a 4 man the minute i loaded in cause they all had anonymous accounts and had two flashies and two medkits. they were all sweaty as fuck, predicting and baiting my every fucking move. gens went by so quick, felt like i was actually playing against top level players. i’ve got maybe 400 odd hours off the top of my head, i should not be going against this shit. i invite any survivor main who claims the game is killer sided to play a match like this, i know solo q is bad, and yes from that perspective, i see why it’s killer sided, but this shit??? it’s fucking insane

i knew it was a 4 man the minute i loaded in cause they all had anonymous accounts and had two flashies and two medkits. they were all sweaty as fuck, predicting and baiting my every fucking move. gens went by so quick, felt like i was actually playing against top level players. i’ve got maybe 400 odd hours off the top of my head, i should not be going against this shit. i invite any survivor main who claims the game is killer sided to play a match like this, i know solo q is bad, and yes from that perspective, i see why it’s killer sided, but this shit??? it’s fucking insane