All for $ Trey

Here you delusional people go who still are under Trey’s mind tricks! He made a bet again with YOUR guys’ money! Trey expects you to put YOUR money on his bet that not only did he pressure his team to do it, he threw Zach and his team in the mix to play for his debt too! HE made the bet so HE can get even more money from it! He does not care about you people! He looks at everyone as a 💰 sign! Good job you guys paid his debt off that he made with his egotistical attitude! You guys hate Nader so much but guess guys just gifted him last night with the coins you sent Trey and he sent right to Nader exchanging those diamonds!😂 And for all the minions that are going to complain about “he has Yazan that’s not fair”, that is Nader’s gifter he is a part of Nader’s team! He had to play against 2 teams and still whooped y’all! Keep being delusional and thinking Trey “really cares about his people!”