[Discussion] - What do you read for? Character? Plot? Theme?
It's been a number of posts now where it's come up what people do or don't like about a particular author's work. Or what they do or don't like about a particular storyline. A big example being King and how wide-ranging the opinions on his work are, but he's hardly the only one; people also have opinions on Morrison, Moore, etc. So, for the sake of maaaaaybe understanding where each fan is coming from, that's the question: What do you read for?
For me, I read for characters. I have my favorites who I faithfully follow (and often buy books and trades for); my favorite kinds of stories are character-driven and I tend to like them to be kept as close to a triangulated characterization as possible. Different writers obviously bring different things, but generally over time, you can discern a core characterization, and for me to really love a book, I want that to be respected.
That being said, there are storylines where I've read for plot, usually stories about people who aren't my very favorites, so I'm more flexible in the characterization arena.
But how about you, DC Redditeers? What do you read for? And why? Please do feel free to give examples, too! If it's a plot, what elements draws you? If it's a theme, how about what themes you like to see explored?