Marty without Cyraxx is dogshit content. Prove me wrong.
Who actually listens to Marty drone like an autist about nonsense, all while talking with a dick in his mouth for 2 hours at a time? Retards, that's who. He's not even a particularly smart man. He has very limited knowledge about history, current events, and politics...he's literally an incel.
Marty's only claim to fame is that Cyraxx only seems to react to him. Without that, Marty would be a weird fat person in a random corner of the internet. Notice how no other lolcow has gained attention for Marty like Chance? Marty is NOT the talent, Chance is. Marty knows that Chance is his Golden Goose. Which is why he and his cult immediately attack others who come after Chance without Marty's blessings.