Cuphead Boss Tournamenf,Inkwell Isle Two:Round Four
Hello,Cuphead community and we are back with another round of the Cuphead Boss Tournament,and I apologize for the 2 hour delay,as I was out during that time,so expect every round to come at the same time as always,but if I didn't post that time,there will be a delay,anyway,last round,u/Gepqie voted for Grim Matchstick to be eliminated and had the most upvotes with surprisingly only 2 upvotes,so farewell to the traumatizing dragon who we all may hate.
And for newcomers,the tournament is divided into six sections:Inkwell Isle One,Inkwelll Isle Two,Inkwell Isle Three,Inkwell Hell,Inkwell Isle Four,and Chess Bosses,and after we declare the winner of each section,we will put them up against eachother to declare the winner of the entire tournament,and the comment with the most upvotes within 24 hours will nominate that boss's elimination.
And see you tomorrow with round five.
And so it is,Baroness Von Bon Bon VS Beppi The Clown