Yeast diaper rash

EDIT: I ended up doing 1tsp apple cider vinegar to 1 cup of warm water and would wipe him down with it every few diapers. As well as letting him air out as much as he could and using breastmilk on it so it doesn’t get super dry. It’s almost completely gone now!! My son has a suspected yeast rash (his pediatrician is closed until tomorrow in order for us to get diagnosis). I would rather not use an antifungal if needed. Currently letting him hang around naked, every time he pees/poops we give him warm bath to clean bottom rather than using wipes. I also do breast milk on the area a few times a day. I have read about diluting apple cider vinegar in warm water to wipe the area or doing in a bath. Has anyone done that? Any other advice? Thanks!