Finally called my old therapist

I went to her for around a decade during my childhood. I had a lot to cope with- my father's death, my mom's alcoholism and abuse stemming from her own grief, a lot of physical pain and medical conditions, what's probably autism but never bothered to get it diagnosed. She helped me greatly with emotional intelligence, and gave me the foundation my parents couldn't.

Now, I'm pregnant with my first, and nightmares have come up centering around my past. Mostly about food insecurity, my mom, and physical conflicts. I'm not depressed, thankfully, but I am more than a little distressed. I thought I had grown past this, but maybe it was willful naivety regarding my own C-PTSD.

So, at the encouragement of my husband and my OB team, I left a voicemail and an email this morning after another nightmare. Hopefully, it'll really just be hormones irritating old scars, and I'll be set up to be monitored pre- and postpartum, like I planned anyways. it's a tough pill to swallow realizing I still need this, but I'm not gonna pull what my mom did and neglect my mental welfare because I'd rather be blind to my own issues.