Pulling back augment stats hurts competitive TFT integrity

Dear Riot:

Stats are useful for a reason, especially for competitive play. Those who pick augments based on average placement alone do not fully understand the system, which I trust you know better than I do. But I've hit challenger, so I am fairly confident to say I have an in-depth understanding of augments.

Best example would be fine vintage, which has a bad average placement but good for melee reroll comps.

However TFT's balancing has fallen into a cycle. Whatever is strong in the first few patches happens in a black box, PBE lacks the data to make the right calls. Then, these strategies will be nerfed to the ground, and new strong strategies will rise to replace it. After a few cycles when the finals for that set approaches, you will cook a batch where you make almost every strategy equally viable.

So, in order to climb, I must optimize my plays by identifying powerful strategies and avoid non-viable ones.
What I cannot do is identify non-viable strategies based on instinct alone. (Anything placed below 4.8 in competitive is basically a death sentence)

Remember when you had wukong augment bugged and it offered virturally no stats and resulted in a null augment which had a placement of 6.0? Or when combat bandages were bugged? How do you expect players to pick up these issues when you cant even ensure your game runs perfectly? Do you expect people to ruin their games because of some random bug, and either you know it exists and avoid it or you don't know and fall into the same trap over and over again?

Or what about when elise and lilia augment was overnerfed to average 5 placement? Was it intentional? Did you want players to pick an average 5 placement augment? Did you want it to exist in the game? Did it align with your goals? Either you need the placement data to make the right call as much as we do, or you deliberately put mines in the agument pool waiting for people to step on it, which in either case harms the game's competitive integrity. If you prioritize entertainment over it, then why claim you removed the stats for the sake of it?

Overall, this is a bad call, espeically for the audience in this sub.