Did speciality coffee ruin me?

3 months ago I got into speciality coffee. Nothing super crazy, just a decent grinder, a chemex, some nice beans, and a dream.

My coffee is NO WHERE near a top cup, but it’s objectively better than a Starbucks black coffee and to me, a WFH employee, that will play.

Now, the issue. I needed a “daily” bean to avoid spending all of my savings on $20 8oz bags from fancy places, so I got the Kirkland house blend. I trust Costco with my life and actually used their pre-ground a few months ago and it was arguably better than a cup of local drinkable coffee.

Well, this is shit. Bad. Darkest beans I’ve ever seen. 45g of it grinded into damn near double the amount of grinds my speciality beans do. The coffee just came out so shitty and honestly worst than a gas station cup.

Did I get a bad batch? Did I fuck the brew up? Or has speciality coffee ruined my taste for “regular” coffee?