ATC pilot vs jul2?
I do top rope indoors and don't plan on doing anything else except bouldering for the forseeable future until I gain more comfort and experience. Decided today to buy my own gear since I dont wanna have to rent anymore. I learned to belay on the jul2 and haven't used any other device since that's what they have available to rent at my gym. They did not have any in stock at REI, and the only device somewhat similar was the Black Diamond ATC pilot and I have not been back in the gym yet to test it, but seems to have good reviews. What worries me is I've seen complaints that it's difficult to lower smoothly and also pull slack with the pilot, and I'm wondering if I should just order the jul2 anyways since im fairly comfortable with it and unsure about other devices. As a beginner, is the pilot a poor choice? Or should I stick with it for now and buy a different device later like I planned to anyway?