Something is wrong with this group

I am a bisexual, who struggles with lust, procrastination, and laziness. I flip flop in my faith. Sometimes I’m doing amazing and sometimes I’m backslidden. I joined this group thinking that I needed some Christian encouragement. I guess the way you go to church and feel better hearing the service & greeted by the smiles. But I learned quickly majority of this group was atheist. Well, I’m not perfect so… ok, whatever… BUT then it became super evident that this group cancels Christians.

*** It’s like a spider trap. *** All these teenagers come to it under the same pretenses that I did and then ask for help or advice and only get to hear the non-Christian advice. I just saw the same admin delete 7 post for bigotry which weren’t bigotry. In fact the admin is more of a bigot (against Christians) than the people posting were against gays.

If you want to be a group that discusses Christianity then you have to stop silencing the Christians.

A discussion is an open minded, back and forth, respectful conversation, in which you’re not going to agree with the other person, nor think like them majority of the time.

Canceling Christianity and silencing Christians on a Christianity forum screams “I’m working for Satan to deceive people”.

And also why are the admins not deleting the non-Christian’s who attack and harass Christians and a Christianity on here? It’s in the group rules but it’s never addressed.

If someone tells me God doesn’t want me to be bisexual, watch porn, post nudes, have premartial sex, etc… they aren’t telling me that because they’re a bigot. They’re telling me that because that’s what the Bible says and that’s supposed to be the whole purpose of this group!

If you can’t be offended and let it go then you shouldn’t be in any position of power, including group admin.

(Watch my comment section turn into evidence for what I said above… and if I don’t reply then it’s because I got banned from replying which further proves the post)

Update: I’ve been banned AGAIN for a second time for making this Post!!!

I don’t have another account. I’ve never been banned before except for making this post. A ban whatever doesn’t make any sense! This is all a targeted unfounded attack by admins because they don’t like what I had to say. I’m sitting at the library right now using one of their tablets to be online… I’ve not violated any rules. This is happening to multiple people in this group. I’m not the only one. Wake up.