Please help my husband.
My husband and I are both Christians baptized in the Holy Spirit. He struggles with alcohol and drug addiction. He has relapsed multiple times recently, he is currently gone getting h*gh. We attend church, he attends AA. He is on depression medication. Some days he does amazing, he’s had long stretches of recovery . But recently I can’t get him to pick up his Bible. I can’t get him to go to church or if he does he’s not paying attention as he normally does. I can’t get him to attend our study group, there’s always an excuse. I pray. Oh I pray a lot. I beg, I plead, with him, with God. I speak the name of Jesus over him when he’s like this. It is NOT him in there. When he uses he is a different person and a violent, selfish one at that.
God doesn’t like divorce, because a marriage is supposed to symbolize the relationship between Jesus and the church. But my husband isn’t loving me in times like these. There are times he’s a WONDERFUL man. Holds the door , washes my hair , provides for me, everything. But when he relapses all that goes to the wind. Including providing for me because 9/10 times his jobs catch on and they end up terminating him.
I’m just at a loss. I guess I’m asking you to pray for him. And to give me advice if you have it.