Keep getting mail from a previous tenant at my rental - anything I can do?

I have been living at my current rental going on 3 years now. Every week, I have received anywhere from 5-15 pieces of mail for a previous tenant who lived here several years ago. I always write on the envelopes "no longer at this address" or "return to sender," and then I stop receiving his mail for a couple days but then it starts back up again. To be clear, these are not silly marketing campaigns, this is overdue CC/medical bills, things that say "urgent" on them, etc. (I have not opened them, that's just what I can gather from looking at them). I l finally looked this person's name up and he is a registered sex offender which I fear may have something with him not wanting to report his new permanent address. Is there anything I else I can do? Does anyone have a phone number for Charlottesville USPS? I am so sick of this man's junk clogging my mailbox every day.