LAL+ Post Op Summary
Both eyes are now done using LAL from RxSight at GWS Vision in La Jolla
This is not covered by insurance so you will wind up paying out of pocket The surgeons are world class as is the post operative care and thanks to a great team of drs and nurses at ucsd surgical center, they were truly amazing
Distance vision is excellent in left eye, blurry in right eye as it’s still healing from surgery 2 days ago
Reading is bad, so my phone is now set to large/zoom font atleast until I get my tune-ups and lock ins which is 1 month away
Some edge tearing at lower sides but that will go away in time Left eye halo went away after 5 days. Right eye will take time
Eyes are extremely light sensitive and I wear the supplied dark glasses at all times and avoid sunlight if possible. It is really painful to walk outside Tv is set to really low brightness much to my family’s annoyance 😂
Drops are prednisoLONE, 4 drops per day first week, 3 week after and taper down Drops do cause IOP to go up, might shot up to over 30 and a quick numbing drop and needle from surgeon in follow up and it went right back down. Does not hurt Do not use more than 1 drop at a time.
Age:54 M Left eye 20/30 Right eye 20/20
For context I have high astigmatism and before surgery Left eye -15 Right eye -10
I had a bad back spasm and Drs gave me 50mg prednisone to stop me from damaging my spine and that very like accelerated the small cataract in left eye to the point I was nearly blind. Eye went from -7 to -15 in 1 month and then right eye started acting up as well
I have had bad eyes since age 5 so went with the best possible lenses and surgeon so I could have good vision for the rest of my life
I also would like to thank various posters on this forum who accepted my chat requests and answered my questions as well as folks in the forums. Your kindness is deeply appreciated
Feel free to ask any questions