I hate life. Even parents aren't with me

I hate my life. Rant post continuation of I am a failure @ 19 : r/CUETards .

Posting it here, Bcz I don't have anyone IRL to share what I am going through.

I started my CUET prep after fighting myself and voices inside . I am enrolled into a shit university + expensive (alr wasted around ~6L) and college doesnt have decent placements wastes my time in name of attendance (timing is 9-5 , 5 days a week).

So I started my prep almost completed cs and econ syllabus . Was going good with maths with 2 subs left. But now when I talked about everything my parents forced me to complete bba bcz only 1 year left. I have no interest in the course everyday in the college looks booring these are the things anyone can learn online I dont want to spend 3 more sems doing this crap thing.

I am interested in becoming Economist so I decided to give CUET for that but heck no luck anywhere :). I tried everything no support for my parents they have problem with my 2Y drop seems like the problem is me for this shit course and uni but can't do anything except regret.

Also pro tip to all folks here: There is no love everyone is selfish . Parents treat you as FD and samaj me respect material . Only person how value yourself is You . So enjoy your presence as much as u can.