Which writer would you like to see adapted into the manga next?
I personally have a few favorites I'd love to see (ordered from the most serious to literal memes but it would still be cool)
Verlaine, Ayatsuji, Adam and the others that appeared outside the manga because come on, it would make sense, plus let's be honest, Fyodor would stand no chance against Ayatsuji
Arthur Conan Doyle, maybe as another rival of Ranpo's? The Mystery Trio would expand into Mystery Quartet?
Honestly any one of the Transcendents, Amenogozen wouldn't stand a chance against any of them
Albert Camus. Let's see how Fyodor does against an atheist (/j)
Rene Goscinny and Albert Uderzo. Now, hear me out, I know it's a little too modern, maybe, but I'd sell my soul for that Asterix and Obelix dynamic
Any. Polish. Writer. Come on, we have so many good options, like Julian Tuwim for example (yes, I'm biased since I'm Polish myself, but come on)
If you have any other ideas feel free to share