Switching the first letters of the first and last name of each player on the Brewers roster

Roster as of Jan 30. My analysis:

Arant Gnderson
Aaron Ashby
Caron Aivale
Gobert Rasser
HH DLall
Hogan Lenderson
Hryan Budson
Kared Joenig
Mick Nears
Mrevor Tegill
Mobias Tyers
Phad Catrick
Poel Jayamps
Plvis Eeguero
Preddy Feralta
Rarlos Codriguez
Rlvin Eodriguez
Tonnor Chomas
Ubner Aribe
Wrant Golfram
Wrandon Boodruff
Cilliam Wontreras
Hric Eaase
Qeferson Juero
Byler Tlack
Cinny Vapra
Dliver Ounn
Daleb Curbin
Hhys Roskins
Mndruw Aonasterio
Ooey Jrtiz
Trice Burang
Cackson Jhourio
Csaac Iollins
Fal Srelick
Hrewer Bicklen
Marrett Gitchell
Plake Berkins
Yhristian Celich