By Alexa Rae sale recycling
2+ hour live sale of the same recycled sale items. I don’t get it. Brooke did the same items Alexa and Sirena previously did on sale and many, many single Saturday items that have been there for a year or months. There was maybe a few new items to this 60% off sale.
BAR needs to create a tab and LEAVE THE TAB UP. Stop doing crazy long live sales that “disappear” and then “reappear”. It’s also confusing when they say a code or sale will end then it doesn’t or it does end and then comes back another time. It’s confusing to watch replays and the code doesn’t work anymore on one item but works on another items in that same live. Too tricky and time consuming. Be clear!!!This is all so deceiving and bad marketing tricks. I think they would sell more and create a better customer experience if they just create a tab and leave it up!