If There was a Watcher in MHA Verse which Key Events you Think he Would Pop In to Witness?

That is my Question

The Watcher is very important figure in the Marvel Comic Universe I mean the WHAT IF? Comics are what his best known for but his bit move then that his being that job to witness key events Uatu went beyond that when Galactus arrived on Earth and almost made it its dinner

Anyway its been implied that the Watcher exists in Universes where the Marvel Heroes don't exist like Ultraman Universe and possibly STAR WARS Universe etc

That makes me wonder how is it like being the Watcher of the MHA Universe and looking at everything going on in Japan and this Class of Students trying to change the world and his files on All Might

Like the Watcher of the main Marvel Comic Universe comes down to Earth to witness these Events regardless of the Outcome

Makes you think where a Hypothetical Watcher of MHA Verse was standing during the War Arc and the Final Arc

Some Ground Rules

  • Can't Use MCU or Cartoon versions of the Watcher

  • Please put Spoiler Bars on any Manga Spoilers

So Lets do this

MHA art by Kohei Horikoshi and Watcher art by Mike Deodato Jr