I HATE BAROU. He is so useless, I don't understand why anyone would like him by choice. All he is is an attractive, mean, wifey, sexy, sweaty muscular hot jock-type that reminds me all too much of the feelings I used to get from watching the football team in high school. How could anyone appreciate him when all he does is kick a ball? I don't have skill issue and I don't like hot men. I especially don't like hot sexy men like Barou, who want to do nothing but protect me. I don't need protection and I certainly DONT need a hot sexy man like Barou on my roster. What do people even see in him? A handsome individual who can look after his family and cook? How could anyone actually be ok with playing with Barou? It's simply logical that NO ONE should appreciate Barou. It's such a ludicrous idea that anyone would want Barou's muscular arms wrapped around them while they cuddle in bed at night after training at Blue Lock. What a silly concept