It was all just a dream...

Before you say I didn't do half the albums... - Streetlife Serenade felt kind of pointless (there's ONE little guy but it's also a painting and it isn't Billy) - Turnstiles was way too hard to edit because of the amount of people (I'm sorry about that, it's a great album) - The Nylon Curtain doesn't even have anybody on it - The Bridge has one freaking dot in the background to replace - Storm Front doesn't have anybody on it - River of Dreams is a painting, and it also has way too many people to edit out (especially Billy himself)

Should I replace Piano Man with Songs in the Attic? Let me know below. (By the way, this is a chromebook decoration for work.)

Before you say I didn't do half the albums... - Streetlife Serenade felt kind of pointless (there's ONE little guy but it's also a painting and it isn't Billy) - Turnstiles was way too hard to edit because of the amount of people (I'm sorry about that, it's a great album) - The Nylon Curtain doesn't even have anybody on it - The Bridge has one freaking dot in the background to replace - Storm Front doesn't have anybody on it - River of Dreams is a painting, and it also has way too many people to edit out (especially Billy himself)

Should I replace Piano Man with Songs in the Attic? Let me know below. (By the way, this is a chromebook decoration for work.)