Wavy feel to wood

Hello all,

This may be a dumb question. I just built my first table. It’s just a simple indoor workbench for small hobbies which is why I built it from pine at Menards. I have been sanding with 60 grit on a random orbital sander to get things a bit more level and knock down some of the wood glue/filler I used in areas. It seems that the actual larger cathedrals in the wood are very wavy and no matter how much I sand, the wavy feeling does not go away. I switched to a flat hand sanding block and went over the table quite a bit with this and I think it has helped but the table still feels relatively wavy around the larger parts of grain/cathedrals. Is this just the intrinsic nature of pine? Do I just need to keep sanding? Should I just not worry about feeling a little bit of wavy-ness? I think the cathedrals are harder and the sections of wood in between that grain is softer and things just won’t even out.. advice appreciated! Pictures show some of the larger cathedrals where wavyness can be felt but not really seen with the eye