My sister adopted a pit-bull and it tried going after my Labrador Retriever.

This is the second time my poor sweet Labrador Retriever Hazel has had a run in with a pit-bull. My sister recently adopted a pit-bull from the shelter and was told that she was friendly with other dogs. My daughter goes over to her house to stay with her if I have to go out of town. She came to pick her up yesterday and brought the pit-bull unknowing to me. Hazel was asleep in her dog bed and the pit charged straight at her with this crazy look. I quickly stood in front of the pit and kept her from going after Hazel until my sister could leash her dog.

My daughter was shaking and I told my sister that we are changing the plans. My daughter is staying with one of her friends until I return from my trip. My sister is heartbroken, but feels torn on rehoming the pit. I made it clear to her that my daughter or Hazel won't be seeing her while that pit is with her. It's crazy to me how much this breed can change someone. She even made the excuse that the pit was just trying to play.