Labor stalled out at 41+3, feeling confused/discouraged

FTM, 35yo. Had no signs of labor until this past Tues (41+1) when I had a membrane sweep done in the afternoon and by the evening was having sporadic contractions. They continued all of Wednesday and got more consistent, about 9 minutes apart and a minute long by Wed night. I felt body aches/chills, had to rock and moan through the contractions. I knew there was a chance that the membrane sweep would just cause some contractions that didn't lead to actual labor, but I guess I really got my hopes up that this was the real deal.

Even lost my mucus plug a little after midnight. Went to sleep Wed night and woke up about 4 hours later to absolutely nothing, no more contractions. Felt like I wasn't in labor whatsoever.

All of today (Thurs), nothing. Had a second membrane sweep this afternoon and still no more contractions. Why did things stall out like this after what felt like such steady progress?

I have an induction scheduled for tomorrow evening but really wanted to avoid getting to that point.. I'm feeling so impatient and defeated and not sure what I'm doing wrong but it feels like my baby should be here already! le sigh

Edit to add info: last few weeks I've done dates and red raspberry leaf tea. Then evening primrose oil for 3 nights in week 41. Past couple days I've done the miles circuit, walking, stairs, lunges, yoga ball, pumping, and nipple stimulation.

Anyone have similar experiences or advice? Thanks <3