Pregnancy is awful and I’m miserable

I’m 34 weeks and feel like there’s no end in sight. People try to be so positive towards me like “you’re almost there” “you’ll forget all these symptoms” “you’re not alone, everyone feels this way”….yet, I see all these positive pregnancies. I’ve talked to friends and 80% of them tell me they didn’t hate it as much as me. I seriously hate it every day. I’ve been nauseous since week 1, I still have food aversions, I don’t sleep, I can’t cook because I can’t look at raw meat, I can barely get out of bed, I still gag, I don’t sleep, my legs hurt, I’ve only gained 12 lbs but despite all this, my levels are all normal, I pass each blood test or any test with flying colors, my baby is healthy and perfect weight, he’s kicking constantly (which is the only fun part until it hurts)….I just wish there was a cure, some pill to make each day ok. I’m not sad or hormonal, but I am angry that this is so hard and only women have to do it. We did IVF to get to this point and I just wish I was more thankful but instead I’m just bitter about this whole experience. Anyone else feel this way? Or am I alone?