Advice on what to do with this letter?

Currently living in a flat and have received this letter through the post with the name of a previous tenant (crossed out) nothing on the back. No address that I’m living at and also no return address. We’ve been getting all sorts of letters for over a year now for this ex tenant and every time we’ve either ticked the box to return or written not known at address/ something similar.

My other question is could this be bailiffs or something and should I expect anyone banging my door in drastic as that sounds. Unsure if it’s illegal to open it to see if there’s a return address or anyone I can contact?

Appreciate any help, thanks.

Currently living in a flat and have received this letter through the post with the name of a previous tenant (crossed out) nothing on the back. No address that I’m living at and also no return address. We’ve been getting all sorts of letters for over a year now for this ex tenant and every time we’ve either ticked the box to return or written not known at address/ something similar.

My other question is could this be bailiffs or something and should I expect anyone banging my door in drastic as that sounds. Unsure if it’s illegal to open it to see if there’s a return address or anyone I can contact?

Appreciate any help, thanks.