Is it weird/creepy to take multiple classes of a professor across multiple semesters?

So I'm a final year student in my engineering degree. As part of our degree requirements, we are required to do a minimum number of humanities courses.

I did my first of the humanities courses under this literature professor, Prof. A. I was randomly assigned to his class and didn't think much of it. I ended up actually enjoying this class and did pretty well in it.

I've never acted weird towards him, but we do have class qna sessions where I almost always ask attend. One time, I was the only student who turned up for a qna session. (The prof laughed a bit, asked me if i had any questions, answered the questions, we chatted for a bit, and ended the session early).

I kept taking his courses in the subsequent semesters as well. I did well in all of them. I also built a sorta professional relationship with this prof outside the class as well as I am sorta involved in the student orgs this prof advises.

I have finished my minimum required humanities courses (most of them done with Prof. A).

Should I take another one of his courses just for the fun of it? Will it be seen as weird/creepy if I take too many of his courses even when I'm not technically required to?