What should my first camera be?
Hello photographers! I love to travel and I love to take pictures. So far I have only used an iPhone and although I am happy with it I want to try a real camera.
As you can see I have no experience, so how do I choose a camera and how do I choose lenses? I will use the camera to take portrait photos (I will need a lens with good background separation) and photos of views of cities and nature (I guess you can't use the same lens for portrait and landscape photos).
I want to buy second hand and I don't want to pay more than a thousand and something. They recommended me the Canon EOS 1200D, as well as the Nikon Z50 (I prefer it but unfortunately its lenses are very expensive😭). I'm also considering the canon g7x because it's literally everywhere on social media, but it seems like it's not realistically the best solution for me.
As you can see I'm pretty lost. If any photographer can give me some advice they wish they had known when they were starting out, I'd appreciate it.