Dinner in Mullingar?
Hi, my name is Robbie. I’m a 46-year-old male, and I’d like to share a little bit of my backstory. For years, I have struggled within myself to express how I feel—my fears, my wants, and my thoughts. I tried to be the stereotypical man: proud and strong. I didn’t want to show weakness or ask for help. I kept everything bottled up inside, but last October, something happened that became the final straw and broke my wife’s heart, leading to our separation.
Since then, I’ve been attending therapy to help me express myself and open up, which I’ve found to be amazing. That’s why I’ve decided to make this post and reach out.
I don’t have any friends, and I don’t have anyone to confide in. My wife, who has supported me so much over the years—and still does—needs to find her own path, and so do I. I’ve spent so many years trapped in my own head, but with therapy, I’ve learned to have a voice again. However, having no one to talk to makes me feel like I’m back where I started, with my thoughts still trapped inside.
Over the past few months, my evenings have mostly consisted of going for a walk and then sitting in my car until I head to my parents’ house to sleep. I’m not a naturally sociable person, in the sense that I wouldn’t feel comfortable going to a pub to strike up a conversation with someone. I’d love nothing more than just a random chat—nothing specific, just to talk.
I know there must be others out there who feel the same—whether still trapped within their own heads or now finding their voice but having no one to talk to. So, I was thinking…
If two other people would like to join me in Mullingar next Monday evening at 7 PM, I’d love to buy them dinner and a drink—my treat—and just have a chat for a while. If anyone is interested, please PM me, and we can arrange it.