Men of India, would you take care of your wife's parents if she takes care of yours

I hope everyone can agree how unfair it is that society expects women to go and serve her husband's parents while leaving her parents alone.

How would you feel if I asked you to leave your parents all alone and come spend all your time to take care of my parents only.

Men, would you happily marry a girl who completely wants to serve and take care of your parents, on the condition that you show the same courtesy to her.

By taking care I mean the following :

1) in today's world where both partners earn, both extend financial support to both sets of parents

2) since financial burden is distributed equally, so should household burden ( cooking, cleaning, etc )

3) Emotional ( THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ) - assuming that both the houses are nearby in the same city ( this should be taken care of when selecting your partner ), spending equal time with both families ( for example 2 weeks of month with one family, 2 weeks with another, the couple jumping houses cuz old people ego won't allow, but young couples can adjust ) to sit and talk and enjoy with the parents so they don't feel lonely, and cooking them happy meals and just spending happy family time.

Basically would you marry a girl who wants to completely love and care for your parents, if you do the same for her's.

Because the current setup expects all of this from the girl, but doesn't return any favor back, which is extremely unfair I hope you will agree.