Anyone Else Feel Strangely Calm About the US Going Forward?

I’ve been incredibly angry, disgusted, and frustrated these past eight years seeing the rise of maga. Even more than the skeptical antipathy I’ve had toward conservative ideologues since I became aware of politics in the 90s. The more I’ve learned about ideology and politics, the more I’ve realized how perverse, unjust, and divisive conservatism is.(!) And when I say this, I mean it in a very literal way: Conservatism taught me how to hate.

But now that the conservative elites have won the war — I’ll be downright shocked if we ever have a legit election ever again — I feel…settled. I helped friends and family vote, I’ve been a Democratic PC for years, and I voted blue up and down the ticket as I’ve always done. I’ve done my part and more. And now that I know that activism is going to mean less and less and less going forward, I know what I have to do: Look after my family, and build personal connections with like-minded people and underground groups. So I’m calm and determined.

Does anyone else feel this way? Or are you still working through your anger? Or feeling something different?

(!) And yes, Donnie and even worse autocrats are conservatives. They are the logical conclusion of conservatism in action.