I am not getting it.
Please don't take my opinions personally or to heart. This is just my raw opinion.
I am not getting the appeal of Ashita no joe. I will continue watching it though. I am currently on S1(E26) and so far it has been a hard watch. Don't get me wrong some moments are really cool, inspiring and hard-hitting. Some things I really like about it so far are:
- The old charming animation and sound quality.
- The OP.
- A very poetic beginning.
And some cool moments here and there like joe agreeing to learn boxing after prison. Besides that it has been one of the hardest watches ever. Joe is an insolent, arrogant and annoying brat. The whole journey so far has been him putting himself in tough spots and for a boxing anime it has more drama than actual sports. I have never been so annoyed at the MC than I have been at Joe and I have faithfully stuck with other annoying MC like Asta and arrogant prick like Sakuragi. I am genuinely waiting for some redeeming qualities of joe soon or at least a character development cause if not then Joe is going down as one of the worst MC in my list. Am I being melodramatic? yes.
I like the side characters but the story is taking to long to develop into something fruitful or something that I can look forward to. Atp I am like "is he even gonna fucking box? or learn some shit?" The most excited I have been was when he was learning the counter punch. The story doesn't hook me. The MC is insufferable. Rikishi is the only character I kinda care about, lowkey wishing I could watch an anime on him. Wish Aoyama or Nishi was the MC instead of Joe. Wish the kids would get kidnapped. Hard to put on the next ep when I am finding it hard to give a shit.
Should I continue? Am I being an idiot? Did you have the same concerns as me when you were watching? Am I going to eat my words? Please let me know down below.